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    This one was supposed to be looser…

    I had decided that I was going to be looser and a bit more painterly on this drawing. Nope. I am, however very happy with it. I have proven to myself that I can do realism. I love the freedom that working with layers in a digital medium gives me. Next? Possibly some regional flowers. I am also going to be goofing around taking more Domestica and Skillshare classes. It seems to be a good way for me to learn.

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    This is more fun that I thought

    I have been taking classes on and off on Skillshare. I took “Pastel Succulents in Procreate” from Jennifer Nichols. I was surprised and pleased with the results. A simple class, but a number of awesome concepts. I’ll be practicing a few more using this technique.

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    What to do with Pandemic time?

    The pandemic and quarantine reduced my work hours by about half. We had a pretty heavy tourist season this year in Grand Marais. In an attempt to stay safe (and I just don’t like crowds) I spent a lot of time alone. Hmm, what to do with myself? I have to say I am pretty blessed to be in a safe and comfortable place where my primary worries are not all around safety and survival. Still, there is time to fill. I have been knitting less. Natural shift I guess, I have what I need and don’t knit fast or steady enough to make money at it. I can tinker…

  • Personal Knitting,  Process

    A few endings to some long-term projects

    Persistence, wise or otherwise, and things get done. Shifted from double-pointed needles to circular and tada, successful hat. There were even more errors and sloppy writing found in this pattern as I progressed, requiring a lot of re-knitting. I’m calling this done unless I decided to add the bottom band. It will be worked to make sure it does not flare at the bottom though. The pattern is an odd assortment of ribbing, cables, and regular knit stitch, and the author gives no guidelines on how to pick it up correctly. More trial and error I guess. The fun will be digging through my button collection and see what vintage…

  • Personal Knitting,  Process

    Two steps back

    No pretty pictures this run. I am finding I need to rip back two projects, and a picture of the snarl of yarn while frogging is just too sad. I have found out the the vest pattern I am knitting has errors on my size, and these errors require me to tear it out to the armholes. It is an Interweave pattern, so this is disturbing, but helps to explain why so few have knit this vest. I was having some troubles with it earlier in the knitting, but decided it was my dyslexia kicking up and just punted my way through. The troubles I am running into pretty much…

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    The things I get myself into–or, adventures in fiber land

    So, I wanted a vest. I bought a vest quantity of Peace Fleece for something warm and sturdy. I finally settled on Provincial Waistcoat from Interweave. I get the pattern, prepare to knit a gauge swatch, and kinda choke. There are a LOT of moving parts to this pattern, and it is primarily rib-ish patterns, which I wanted to avoid. Ok, no gauge swatch, and it goes on time out. Well, I took it out of the “time out” corner, dusted it off, and waded in. I am finding the way it was written hard for the dyslexic eye, but if I keep in mind what the pattern is trying…