
The things I get myself into–or, adventures in fiber land

So, I wanted a vest. I bought a vest quantity of Peace Fleece for something warm and sturdy. I finally settled on Provincial Waistcoat from Interweave. I get the pattern, prepare to knit a gauge swatch, and kinda choke. There are a LOT of moving parts to this pattern, and it is primarily rib-ish patterns, which I wanted to avoid. Ok, no gauge swatch, and it goes on time out.

Well, I took it out of the “time out” corner, dusted it off, and waded in. I am finding the way it was written hard for the dyslexic eye, but if I keep in mind what the pattern is trying to do, I am muddling through ok, though I’ve made a small change to the cables.

Why it is good to make design changes BEFORE you start, not after the fact.

However….I am now to a spot where I have four different things all happening at once: cables, side increases, front decreases, and counting my depth so that I separate for armholes in time. This project has left the realm of tv knitting. It has entered the realm of what-the-hell.

Using 4 different counters…can she keep them straight!

I think I’ll be a bit preoccupied with this until it is done. Then we’ll see if, or who, it fits.

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