Electronics,  Handwork,  Learning,  Personal Knitting,  Process

Whew! and more

It fits!

Fourth time’s the charm. It fits, looks decent, and I’m wearing it now. Working on a name. I’m thinking Jane Jetson Got Cold. With all the ridgy bits it reminds me of her outfits. That or Never Again. If I wing one again it will be top down. This was…arduous.

Better view of the necking detailing.

The next “Whew”, or perhaps “Thank the gods!” is my lightsaber. I haven’t been able to upload video to here, but it lights up, makes noise, and absolutely delights me! Oh, and the problem I was having where it Just. Would. Not. Work? Would it surprise you that it was a very simple, should have been obvious thing I was overlooking? Did you know the Hallowing controller has an on/off switch? Yup. I’d be humiliated if I were not so grateful.


And so on to the next projects. First up, my blanket shirt. I got the loops and buttons done, and am starting on the embellishment. Kathy’s trim is looking great on here! She used some leftover weaving yarns from my Mom’s stash, wove it on the Inkle loom and made yards of this for me! All the hand-stitching with a steel needle is hurting my fingers, though, so I will take some time to finish this.

Looking good!

I got my new AdaBox from AdaFruit. This month is a bluetooth controller that I can program to control…things. It runs on Circuit Python, which means I have another language to get used to. I got it working, but I have to figure out what I want it do do. I could build a few moisture sensors and have it tell me when my plants are thirsty, I could display a weather or other data feed, or perhaps I should go back to my unfinished robot project, and see if I can get it to run that. I think I need to review what others are doing with theirs before I do too much else. AdaFruit is sending me cool stuff of late. Using these things is a bit of a stretch for me. I’m thinking that is not a bad thing.

It works! Now, what to do with it.

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