Electronics,  Outdoors,  Personal Knitting,  Process

As March winds down

No pictures of a completed sweater this week. It still wasn’t fitting, so I am still fiddling with it. And no success with my lightsaber — yet. May April bring an end to these projects, and not just in an “I’ve HAD it” kinda way. I’ll share another kind of eye-candy instead.

Outdoors is really amazing right now. Cool crisp air, water beginning to run in the rivers, snow melted down enough to hike. Happiness.

Artist’s Point is beckoning.

Previous to restarting my blog, I took a North House Folk School class on making a blanket shirt. I had completed my shirt, and planned on embellishing it once the “Groundhog Day” sweater is done. My sister-in-law Kathy is the queen of the Inkle loom, and made these bands for me. I am stoked, and they are going to look great.

Hand-woven trim for my blanket shirt. Yay!

I don’t know if anyone else is that into my weekly travails and successes, but I am digging it. I am finding the decision to blog weekly is helping me stay focused on my projects and helps me to push through the gnarly spots. When I’m pissed at a project the time-out only lasts a few days instead of weeks/months/years. It also keeps me working on just a few things to completion instead of having dozens going and then forgetting about half of them. Yes, that has happened. Even though I have radically de-stashed, I still find a half-finished, “what the hell is this” project in my supply boxes once and a while. Enough gab for tonight. Happy crafting all.

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