• Personal Knitting

    Personal Project catchup

    I have not been doing much design of late. I am caught up in way too many personal projects. I am enjoying myself, and the final projects will be fabulous. The finished ones ARE fabulous! Below is an unfortunately long list of what I have been doing. This shawl is the Simple City, made from one Crazy Zauberball. I wear this a lot. It is small, the perfect colors for me, and oh so stylish. I think I want a gazillion of these, one for every outfit! And it is called Simple Woodsy because that is where I live, pretty deep in the bush. These pencil cases were a Christmas…

  • Patterns

    With great happiness I declare the SB2 hat published!

    Right after publishing this hat and getting it up on Ravelry, my computer crashed in a bad way. It was about 10 days (it felt like eternity) before I got what I needed to fix it. Now that I am b-a-a-a-a-k, I can officially announce my hat! The first hat was knit with Malabrigo’s Rasta, an amazing hand painted super-bulky single. The second is in Sirdar’s Indie, a soft blend in very interesting colorways. It has been very popular, which makes me very happy. It is up on Ravelry (check it out!), and at my LYS Yarn Harbor in Duluth.

  • Process

    Freeway Pileup

    I do not know how this is for other designers, but I am suffering from a pre-published pattern pileup. I have those that are knit and awaiting drafting, those that were great inspirations but only made it 1/2 way off my needles, and those that are just really good ideas with the “when am I ever going to get around to that?” query attached. The things in my queue? Two additional versions of the comfy mitts, one for texters and one pop-up version. One additional triangle scarf, and a cool neck scarf/adornment that is sitting there languishing on the needles. Oh, and then there are the “Wheat” socks….I am still…

  • Patterns

    A Snowboarder Hat in Rasta

    This pattern is in progress. Actually, it is almost done. I am having it test knit, finalizing photography, and then bingo, up it goes! This hat was created to showcase the yarn Rasta from Malabrigo. I wanted to create something that would make the colors pop, and be a lot of fun. There are also many requests this season for a good snowboarder hat pattern to make for gifts. I had a blast with this, adding texture and embellishment. I had fun with the photos. My favorite shot is probably not the best lead in shot though. What do you think? You have to admit it is fun though. Right?

  • Patterns

    Head Kerchiefs 3

    This was an ambitious project, a set of three head scarves showcasing 3 different techniques to feature in a class I was teaching. They turned out well, and have been popular. I wear one daily to one of my jobs as a form of tress-containment. What I have loved about this pattern is that the kerchiefs are appealing to such a wide spectrum of folks, from those who choose to cover their heads for modesty, to youth who wear them for fashion, to folks like me who just need some tress control. I have been very pleased.

  • Patterns

    Mid summer publishing_Vee Neck Scarf

    I fell in love with a yarn this summer. Kudo from Plymouth is a lovely cotton silk with great long color ways and a great drape. I popped the yarn on my needles, and this is what popped off when I was finished. And here’s another shot, showing off the colors. If I have not mentioned before, my patterns are available on Ravelry, and at my favorite LYS Yarn Harbor.

  • Patterns

    Comfy Mittens

    The comfy mittens are finally done! It has been a process, and I am very glad I took the time before I published the pattern. I can not say enough good things about my test knitters. Though I had the mitten basically there from the start, their comments and encouragement were essential, and responsible for a big revision near the end. It seems few are as fond of the kitchener stitch as I, who knew? They are up on ravelry. Enjoy. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/comfy-mittens-with-gusset-thumb-2

  • Jewelry

    Sweet Success!

    It took a couple of days of trial and error, but finally I have a bead I can love. The first batch is headed for Yarn Harbor. From here I can go anywhere though. I am quite pleased! Just for fun, a shot of the “process” as well. Shrinkys are very inexact, so the only way to get the color density and size correct is by trial and error. Once you have something you like though, they do produce a result relatively the same, as long as you don’t burn them.