The fun and frustration of Shrinkies
I was given the idea to make Sweetheart beads. I think they could be great, so I made up some artwork, and then tried the beads. The art turned out great. The shrinkies? not so much. Virtually all of my lovely detail was lost. It is not the end though. I do remember having to work with size and densities for a while before I got Yarn Harbor’s logo just right. I guess tonight will be dedicated to running a few rounds of beads.
Messing about with looks
Let me know what you think!
Coming along
Photography improves, a handful of things are in the works. I should almost be blogging this as a psychology experiment as well. “The journey as Katie gets over her blocks”. I am up against a few fear spots, but I also continue to make forward movement. I suppose that is the best I can expect. The new visual fun is a set of numbered stitch markers a friend requested. I like the possibilities here. I have been letting my head get caught in “but what if”, and need to pull out and just make and post something, doggone it! First test photo is below. We will see where it goes from here.
Fun and frustration
I have been playing with stitch markers lately. I made a batch for Yarn Harbor, and they sold out so I made a second batch! I am very excited about this! The frustration is that I have not been able to get the quality of close up photography that I wish. I need to get over this hurdle so that I can list on Etsy and ArtFire, as well as beat my own drum. Posts of what I am playing with once I get it!
Pattern 2 is coming along
For pattern number two, I am working on a mitten/half glove that is a bit stretchy, has a unique gusset, and is somewhat resizable. With all those variables, it is taking a wee bit of time to solidify. It is happening though. I should at least have the first draft out by the end of next week. Then it is to test knit and refine for a bit. I am big on not releasing a pattern that does not work. The process takes longer, but I am all for preemptive problem solving. The testing process saves sooo much on apologies and revisions!
My first pattern is up at Ravelry!
Woo Hoo! I got the first pattern up on Ravelry! http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/running-hearts-scarf I still have to figure out the marketing angle, but it is up and it has been seen a few times. A quantum-sized baby step! 🙂
The Running Hearts Scarf
I was going to call this scarf “Scandahoovian Christmas”, but opted to be a bit more conservative in the name department. Why “Scandahoovian Christmas”? I grew up with the heart motif used in Christmas decorations. It is used in multiple colors, usually with white. When the idea for this scarf hit, it seemed reasonable to associate this scarf with Christmas. Now, I know I live in the U.S.A. Here, the heart is a big time Valentine’s Day motif. It makes me glad that this will be multi-purpose, but in MY heart, this scarf is for Christmas. As soon as the pattern wades through the Ravelry approval process, this pattern will be…
Katie Chameleon, open for business.
This has been a bit in coming. My website has been set up. I am wading through the learning curves on Ravelry, ArtFire, and Etsy. I have officially published my first pattern, and am knee-deep in the second. It is happening! Now I need to learn how to customize this lovely blog, and keep you abreast of all the projects fomenting in this brain of mine. It is gonna be fun!